Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Wrong English? So, WHAT?

“She said curry chicken? Should be chicken curry, right?”
“What she said? Rusume? It should be pronounce as RE-SU-ME, right? Hahaha…”

Hello…..!!! At least, they were speaking on stage in front of you and delivering a message and values to you .. and you get benefit from what they said, right? What have you done? You only sitting and have no loud sound? And if you were on the stage, would you successfully delivering the message as they did to you and to me? Simpler question, would you dare enough to be on the stage and tell us what you want to say as they were?

I experienced few times, when I sat beside or near people who were sitting together with me, listening to someone speaking on the stage or in front of us and I felt irritated with this one behaviour. Love to highlight the wrong usage of English or correcting the incorrect language usage the speakers did; more irritate when this kind of people laughs or makes annoyed faces.

I don’t believe Toastmasters clubs are the best place to learn or improve English. For me, English is only the medium of speaking, and more importantly, COMMUNICATING. But I agree that while participating more in Toastmasters will HELP you in improving your English. 

There are people with good English, broad vocabulary, perfect grammar and flawless pronunciation; that I look up to. But they are not necessary can be a very good speaker, can communicate very well and can persuade or inspire others by him or her sayings. Better language is a bonus, yes. But non-perfect language is not an obstacle of efficient communication.

I agree with this more, firstly, when I could happily communicate with a group of cleaners in a government hospital I worked for 8 weeks for my industrial training, last 2006. Why? They were from India and I cannot communicate with them in English or Malay. They only knew Tamil. But after few weeks, I felt happier to go to work when I knew a group of people were happy to see me, and communicated with our body and facial expression efficiently. When we became closer, some aunts gave me food too. Who said you need fluent language to communicate? 

Secondly, when I knew in a Toastmasters speech contest that out of 100 marks for a contestant, only 10 marks are for language usage. ONLY 10! Others are for speech contents, speech organizations, values, body language, vocal etc. So, who said the winner of a speech contest should have better language than others?

I am not writing this to tell you, NO NEED TO IMPROVE YOUR ENGLISH or your language, but I am writing this to tell you, “DON’T LAUGH AT OTHERS WHEN THEY USED WRONG ENGLISH!” because language is not more important than our communicating skills. Language is the tool, but to live with human, we need HUMAN SKILLS.

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